Friday, September 16, 2005

This Is Anfield...And Old Trafford...Heh...

Welcome, one & all to our humble blog. This is your moderator here, Xabi Lenny Liyana Sara Van Nistelrooy Alonso & her trusty team mate, Luis Daphne Marie Garcia. We've started this blog not ONLY to gush on soccer players & their sexy assets but also to post entries on, well, anything & everything!!

From trivia quizzes to movie reviews to hilarious photoblog sessions to virtually anything under the sun, we'll provide you (hopefully) with a bucket of laughs to brighten up your day. Constructive comments are greatly welcomed ONLY if you're a blogspot blogger; otherwise, too bad. But, you can drop any of us an email; click on our profiles to get to know us better & maybe give helpful tips & suggestions on how to further improve our blog content.

Till then, we hope you enjoy your stay here. Again, we're not connected in any way to the soccer players whom we nicknamed ourselves after. We're just plain old soccer fans.

And absolutely NO thrashing of ANY of the soccer players we put up. You don't like?? You don't read & you don't come back. Simple as that. This isn't a forum. It's just a blog.

Your Moderators,
Xabi Lenny Liyana Sara Van Nistelrooy Alonso
Luis Daphne Marie Garcia Tay